The nature of animation production within Dreamworks TV involves a close collaboration with internal artists and overseas partner studios that provide their services for a large bulk of the episodic shot work that gets produced. As a lighting/compositing artist, it’s our primary responsibility to setup the master light rig for all assets in a show under a variety of lighting conditions and Times of Day that are pre-determined by the needs of a show team. This meant that I was responsible for the creation of key asset light rigs and implementation of new tools such as Nuke Gizmos that could hit a particular visual treatment. Occasionally we have the opportunity to light key shots in a sequence or polish shots delivered from our overseas partner studios. As such, the breakdown of the compilation you see above contains the following types of work:
Creation of Key Asset Light Rigs
Creation and implementation of tools such as Nuke Gizmos
Key sequence shot lighting
Shot polishing